Hello Explorer | Travels, Experiences and Tourism Around The World


Price: 30 kwd

Hello Explorer

Digital Mobile Videography & Editing Workshop

Hello, Explorer!

If you are on this page, it means that you're ready to start editing your videos on the go with just your mobile phones! Well, guess what? This digital course will help you kick off your editing journey with just your device using a mobile application. Worry not, we will be your Gurus and take you on a step by step process until you get that finish product looking like a pro.

After your purchase this course, you'll receive an email with your tutorial videos to watch them at your own connvenience in the comfort of your own place of choice. 

Ready? Let's begin!

Course Outline


- Who is this workshop for?


- Stories and Ideas to start shooting

- Examples of different ideas for short stories

- How to choose the right frames? Vertical vs. Horizontal

- Perspective shots, angles, exposure lock

- The app we will be using is VIDEOLEAP (please download it), other app recommendations available


- How to work with Video Leap? (Cut, Transition, Color, etc.)

- Music Sources


- Put theory to practice! Shoot.

- Create your own video & share it with Hello965

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Customized travel solutions to meet your specific travel needs with our CEO & travel consultant Fatima Al-Mattar @hello965

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